My best friend(500 words)

Hello,everyone!This is Harry James Potter.He is 19 years old.His best friends are Ronald Weasley and Hermione Granger.His girlfriend is Ginny Weasley.He lives in number 12 Grimmauld Place.He studied in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardary.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址He has short,messy hair,and a pair of green eyes.And he has a pair of glasses.The most mysterious thing on his face is a scar on his forehead that shaped like a flash of lightening.This lightening-scar has a magnificent story:When Harry was just one year old and a half,the most powerful dark wizard-Lord Voldemort came to his house and murdered his parents-James and Lily.And then he pointed his wand at Harry,and used the curse that killed Harry’s parents on him.But the curse rebounded and hit Voldemort himself,and he disappeared,maybe dead,or still alive.From then on,Harry Potter became famous,but also had huge pressure on him.

Harry likes exciting things and adventures,but he doesn’t chase for the adventures(he said it himself).And he also likes his friends.

Everyone has his positive side and negative side.Friendship can make you positive.So friends are important.Ron and Hermione make good friends with Harry,and that gives him strength and braveness to defeat Voldemort.


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