A joke

上海龙凤shlf最新地址It was 9.45, twenty five minutes had passed after the beginning of the class. But the class still had three students absent. Their English teacher, Miss Brunner was quite annoyed. “ Now, who can tell me where these students are?”  The student present tensed, glanced at each other, then lowered their heads. “ I think they are in the library” The voice trembled. Right before the moment the teacher started to roar, the door was knocked. The teacher rushed out and asked the three students outdoor to her office. Three minutes later, they returned. One of the students, Helen, grinned after she realized the confusion in other students’ eyes. “ I told her we were studying English idioms in the library". She stared at Miss Brunner’s face and said “ Better late than never. That’s what the book taught me.”


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