The crow and the fox 200字


It is a sunny day,a crow is sitting in a tree.She has a piece of meat in her mouth.A hungry fox walks by ang sees the crow's meat.The fox wants to eat the meat.Soon,he has an good idea.He says to the crow"You are very beautiful and you can sing so well! Can you sing a song for me?"The crow is happy and starts to sing .Then,the meat drops."Oh,my god!"says the crow loudly.The fox laughs and laughs then gets it and runs away.The crow is angry,he wants to take back his meat,but he can't find the fox now.


A crow is sitting in a tree. She has a piece of meat in her mouth . A hungry fox walked by and wanted to eat the meat ,but the meat was in the crow's mouth. She had a good idea. She said "Hello crow,I know you sing the best in the forest. Can you sing a song for me?"The crow was happy and stared to sing. Just then, the meat dropped down and the fox got the meat.


A crow is sitting in a tree. She has a piece of meat in her mouth. Just as the crow was going to eat it, a fox walked by. 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址The fox saw the meat and wanted to eat it. But first, he had to get the crow to open her mouth and let the meat drop off. Soon, he cooked up a plan, ”Dear crow, ” the fox started, ”I have heard that your voice is very sweet, can you sing a song for me ?” 

The crow liked being conceited, so she open his mouth and sang “caw”, but, just as her mouth opened, the meat fell onto the ground. 

The fox was quick and caught the meat in midair, he gulped it down and said to the angry crow, “Ha! Ha! Next time, you should think carefully before you do something.” Then, the fox ran away, leaving the furious and defeated crow staring at the fox helplessly. 


A crow is sitting in a tree. She has a piece of meat in her mouth. A fox walks by the tree. He sees a piece of meat in crow’s mouth. 

The fox feels hungry and wants to eat the meat. He is thinking hard. Soon, he has a good idea. The fox asks her to sing. "You sings well, my dear Miss Crow! I love your songs." Then, the crow sings.The crow is singing badly, because she is not good at singing. 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址The meat drops from her mouth. The fox gets the meat and runs away. What a cunning fox! 


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