A little girl

Long long ago, there was a little girl. She was a orphan. She was very lonely. She wanted have a little doll. The doll could talk and play with her.

One day, a fairy came and said, “ You can go through the forest, then find me. ” The fairy flew out. The little girl heard that and got out, walked to the forest. 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“ Little girl, can you help me? Please give me some water. ” A flower said. The little girl was good, she helped the flower and gave it some water. The flower said, “ Thanks. Go along this road, you can see an apple tree, the fairy is in it. ” The little girl walked in the forest. 

“Little girl, can you help me? These apples are very heavy, please pick them . ” An apple tree said. The little girl helped the apple tree and picked the apples.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Suddenly, a fairy jumped out from the apple tree, you are good, I give you a seed. ” “Thank you! ” The little girl was happy. 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址She walked in her little house and put the seed. Soon after, grew a little doll. They often play together. 


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