Before the Competition

It was the day! The day of my English talent show. I had already made it to the city competition, so this time decides whether I get to participate in the state semi-finals. 

When I woke up that day, I felt something had pinched my neck so hard that it made my heart pound. It was probably because it was the day of the city-finals. This time is serious. You don’t get through this round and you get nothing: no qualification to go to the state semi-final, no certificate of merit(award), except to get eliminated. Thinking of this, I felt my body got taut and stiff while my hands were shaking like a robot. I put on my clothes quickly: evergreen jeans, a white blouse, and black canvas shoes. Pretty casual but is a tiny bit formal. I ate my breakfast halfheartedly like it was all made out of wax and jumped into the car.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址I felt worse in the car. First, I kept reciting my speech over and over again without thinking until my mouth was dry, my throat was hoarse, and my ears were about to crack. Second of all, I kept picturing myself getting rejected by the judges and crying uncontrollably right on stage. That thought made my nose crinkle. Third(the worst) was that the radio was playing an awful song from the 80s. Each time the car got closer to the competition terrain, the more nervous I got. The speech and my mood was killing me.

Finally, the car screeched to a stop and we got out and walked into the building. The building was dark and I felt I was in infernal. The halls were stuffed with parents, all pacing around and sneaking peaks into the examination rooms where their children must’ve been. Mom gently urged me to examination room and smiled at me. I stand there alone. My face chalk white in the mirror and my shirt crinkled. I didn’t know how my speech started and the pressure was like a mountain on my back. To my dread, it was my turn. I stepped into the room, the sound echoing in the room. The sunlight was so bright that I realized that I couldn’t even see the judge’s faces. Then, slowly, I released my speech. 


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