I’ll Never Watch Horror Movies Again

Today, Dad and I decided to watch a movie. I was an extra-big movie fan, so I was very enthusiastic. We finally settled on a horror movie called “The Aliens Invade Earth”. This is the first time I’ve watched a horror movie, so my eyes never left the TV. When the movies finished, the images of the scary parts still flashed in my mind. I shook the images away, reassured myself it will be okay when sleep. I climbed on my bed, and drift into sleep……

It was dark and quiet. Black crows perched on the trees and stared at me with their beady eyes. I couldn’t see anything except the scary eyes of the crows. Where was I? I slowly walked toward to…… where? I stepped on something and gasped. It was just a piece of dead wood. I calmed down, but my heart still thumped against my chest as I walked deeper into the forest. I tripped on something, a mushroom with green spots……deadly. The woods were getting denser and almost hid the last patch of moonlight. There was something wrong about this place. The quietness made me feel that any second, a petrifying monster or thing would jump out and stalk me. Wait……wasn’t this the background of “The Aliens Invade Earth”? I panicked; certainly I wasn’t in the movie! In the movie, the crows swarmed around the guy .Wait a minute……crows? I looked into the eyes of the crows and they seem to burn their eyes into mine. I shuttered. A minute later, it was the world of black, darkness, and feathers. “eeeeeee” A crow landed on my shoulder and pecked at my skin, sending pain through my arms. And soon, a swarm of feathers and pointy beaks in a black whirlwind collapsed on me. Their claws and beaks pierce into my body. I hopelessly tried to fight them, but the crows just kept getting more and more! I began shaking. The creature had just pecked me on the eye. Then I realized my skin was turning green and wrinkled, my hands were claws……just like an alien! I deciphered a terrified scream.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址I woke up with glistening beads of perspiration on my forehead, my throat sore. I was surprised that I wasn‘t pecked by death and transforming into an alien. Then, I realized it was just a dream. What a scary dream, just like in the movie. Uh, I swear I will never ever watch a horror movie again! 


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