My first trip to the USA

上海龙凤shlf最新地址MY trip to American in 2008 was a memorable one,for ot had so much highlight.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址As known to all,the visa formalitis pretty boring and messy when it comes to the visa of the U.S.It was the same thing to my school fellow and me.One of us was even rejected by the visa of the U.s.!

After so many formalities,we finally got on the plane.the plane is faster than any other transportation,but I still felt this 15-hour flight so long,for it was related to an unknown place.Curiosity drove me to run out of the plane as soon as it was landed.There's no difference between the reality and my impression of the U.S.!Free and democratic Country!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址We went to Washington D.C. the first day and then New York,California and L.A..However,the place which impresses me most was L.A.,for there was hollywood Universal Studio there!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址The Universal Studia is both a film set and a theme park.In the Studio,I saw how the simple special effects are so affective,the movie parade and some statues.The games there were a little scary,so I didn't play much.However,my most favorite thing there was food:hot dogs,spaghetti,rice,pizza,hamburger,...It was such a good place to feast!

上海龙凤shlf最新地址Although we liked the Universal Studio very much,we still needed to leave it .Suddenly,a mmod of reluctant to departure filled our heart.We had to say good-say to this great place.

A similar scene happened 2 days ago.It took place when we needed to leave the U.S.It was such a nice,fantastic place,but reality is ruthless.Again,after 15-hour flight,we got back to China,our motherland.I could only say one thing about the trip:"It was a forever-lasting memory for anyone of us, also a fantastic one.


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