How To Give A Speech(如何进行演讲)

【How To Give A Speech】

Want to make your speech more splendid? I have already made nine English writings, given nine speeches, and achieved success every time. Now, I summarize my “tips”!

First, painstakingly design writing.

The most important part of a speech is to set up the main frame and decide the contents to fill in each part; When writing details, concise and comprehensive are necessary; when translating, choose the most accurate and easy reciting words in case more words are available; read more times and clear away the words that are not easy pronounced and redundant. This way, your speech will be more smooth and clean. Of course , you need to have enough patience.

Second, read again and again until one knows by heart.

Some classmates ask me, why you can always recite such a long speech proficiently. First, read the new words well, recite sentences one by one; after finishing a paragraph, recite the whole writing for several times. Practice makes perfect!

Third, relax your mind.

Before entering on the stage, I always make deep breathing, keep calm, recall the main points, then enter confidently on the stage.

Fourth, speak and perform confidently.

"perform" is the most important in a speech, mother once said: " content only takes 7%; pronunciation and intonation 38%, body language 55%.” then, when speaking, I always use gestures and movements, achieve communications with others, make the speech more vivid.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址 Hey hey, if you forget the words or sentences, take it as "boring trivia" and forget it, don't reveal nervous expression, (Hush --)even made mistakes, don't let audience know it!

Before stepping down from the stage, don't forget to bow and say “Thank you!” Then your speech is a success!











上海龙凤shlf最新地址 嘿嘿,如果你忘词或句子,就把它当作“无聊琐事”丢掉、略过去,不要流露出紧张的神态;(嘘——)即使背错了,也不让观众听出来噢!



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