21 丽莎最后的抵抗

第21节  丽莎最后的抵抗

“能为政府找回这笔钱真令人满意。”: Zach Carter,“Lynn Szymoniak,  Foreclosure Activist,  Says  $ 18 Million Doesn't Make Up for Homeowners' Harms," Huffington Post, March 20, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址德意志银行将马克·埃利奥特从案件的被告名单中移除: Zach Carter, "J3ank Drops Legal Pressure on Foreclosure Fraud Expert's Family,"Huffington Post, June 13, 2011。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址阿克曼律所的律师说,他们要求泳池维修人员: Kimberly Miller,“Pool Guy,  Landscaper of$ 18 Million Foreclosure Winner Subpoenaed,"Palm Beach Post, March 27, 2012。

“未能留存准确的账户报表”: Complaint,United States et al。v.Bank of America Corporation et al. , United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Case No.  1:  12-cv-00361-RMC, filedⅣIarch 14, 2012, 22,available at https:  //d9klfgibkcquc.  cloudfront.  net/Complaint_Corrected_2012-03-14.Pdf。

其中35起案件中: Office of Inspector General,U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development, "JPMorgan Chase Bank N.  A. Foreclosure and Claims Process Review, Columbus, OH," Memorandum No.  2012-CH-1801,March 12, 2012,8, available at https:  //www.  hudoig.gov/sites/default/ files/documents/audit-reports//2012-ch_1801.pdf。

因“无力支付”而成功地将罚款减半: Aruna Viswanatha,“Government Details Mortgage Pact, Promises Tough Oversight," Reuters,March 12, 2012。

超过10亿美元的近半罚款:Pamela M. Prah,“States Used Mortgage Settlement Money to Balance Budgets," USA Today, October 8, 2013。

和解方案最终将掠夺性服务编入了法典:  Consent Judgment,United States of America et al.  v.  Bank of America et al. ,  United States District Court for the District of Columbia, Case No. 1:  12-cv-00361-RMC, filed April 4, 2012, E-4, E-5, E-8-E-12, El-l-E1-14. Each of the fve mortgage servicers in the National Mortgage Settlement agreed toa separate consent judgment,  but the language on threshold error rates in all of them is the same。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址都被合并到和解方案中:“Notice of Anticipated Settlement by Petitioner Attorney General Mike DeWine," Ohio v.  GMAC, Supreme Court of Ohio,  Case No.  2011-0890,  filed February 6, 2012, available at http: //www. sconet. state. oh. us/pdf- viewer/pdf- viewer. aspx'? pdf=701829_ pdf; "Attorney General Masto Announces Two Historic Mortgage Servicing Foreclosure Settlements," press release, Office of the Attorney General, Nevada, February 9, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址埃里克·施耐德曼在最后一刻对抵押贷款电子注册系统和三家银行提起了诉讼: Ruth Sirnon and Nick Timiraos, "New York to Settle Some Mortgage Claims with5 Banks,”Wall Street Journal, March 13,  2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址玛莎·科克利从没有止赎起诉资格却对房屋所有人进行止赎的银行处获赔了270万美元:  “Four National l3anks to Pay$2.  7 Million to Massachusetts over Unlawful Foreclosures," press release, Office of Attorney General, Massachusetts, January 16, 2015。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址同意与全国所有权清算公司以35万美元达成和解: Final Consent Decree, People of the State of Illinois v. Nationwide Title Clearing, Circuit Court of Cook County, Illinois, County Department, Chancery Division,Case No. 12-CH-03602, filed December 11, 2013, available at http://stop foreclosure fraud. com/2013/12/13/the-people-o f-the-state-o f-illinois-v-nationwid e-title-clearing-inc- final-consent-decree-alleging-violated-th e-consum er- fraud-ac t- and-the-uni fo rm-deceptive-trade-practices-act。

博·拜登与抵押贷款电子注册系统达成了无责和解:“Biden Secures Reforms from National Mortgage Registry," press release, Delaware. gov,July 13, 2012. See also David Dayen, "Delaware AG Biden Settlement with MERS Promises Reforms Already Pledged," FDL News, July 13, 2012,http: //shadowproof. com/2012/07/13/delaware-ag-biden-settlement-with-mers-promises- re forms-already-pledged。

发现了2011年9月7日贴在凯莱赫门上的违约通知: Steven Miller,“AG Covered Up Conflict of Interest in Robo-Signing Case, Says Brief,"Nevada Journal,  November 29,  2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址法官驳回了针对特拉福德和谢泼德的指控: Ken Ritter,‘'Judge Tosses Mortgage‘ Robosigning’   Case  in  Vegas,"  Associated  Press,February 26,2013。  

“太不光彩”:Kyle Gillis, "New Robo-Signing Brief: Misconduct by AG Masto's Office Could  ' Seriously Damage Public Confidence'  in That OffIce," Nevada Journal,  February 25, 2013。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我们刚开始参与这一案件时:Brian Mahoney,“How They Won It:Irell Unravels Nevada Robosigning Case,”Law360, April 1, 2013。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址契约登记员柯蒂斯·赫特尔:Hertel v.Bank of America N.A.et al,Thirtieth Circuit Court, Ingham County, Michigan, Case No.  11-68'7-CZ,filed June 22, 2011.  The case was eventually moved to U.  S. District Court,Western District of Michigan, on July 22, 2011. Opinion in the U.  S.District Court case available at https:  //scholar.  google.  com/scholar_ case?case = 2806553639914624068。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址西格彭刚刚起诉了抵押贷款电子注册系统: Complaint and Motion for Appointment of a Special Master and for Injunaive Relief, Guilford County ex rel. Jeff Thigpen v. Lender Processing Services et al., General Court of Justice,  Superior Court Division, Guilford County, North Carolina,Case No. 12-CVS-4531, filed March 14, 2012, available at www.  scribd.com/doc/85343328/Guilford-Complaint. Case dismissed on May 29, 2013:www.ncbusinesscourt.net/opinions/2013 _NCBC_30.pdf。

棕榈滩县有一百三十万居民:United States Census Bureau Quick Facts, http: ///quickfacts. census. gov/qfd/states/12/12099. html。

于是她宣布,她将参加民主党初选:George Bennett,“Redistricting Could Pit Several Incumbent Palm I3each County State Legislators Against Each Other," Palm Beach Post, March 18, 2012。

棕榈滩县与贷款方程序服务公司的一个部门签订案件管理合同:"Florida Court Selects LPS Case Management Software," MortgageOrb, June 26, 2009, www- mortgageorb.com/e107— plugins/content/content.   php?content. 3769; "LPS' Largest Implementation of ShowCase~ Court Case Management System to Date in Palm Beach County, Fla.,”LPS press release,PRNewswire, March 14,2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址贷款方程序服务公司为莎伦的连任捐出了一笔达到上限数额的政治献金:  Florida Department of  State,  Division of Elections,  Campaign Treasurer's Report Summary, Sharon R_ Bock for Clerk of the Circuit Court,covering period from l/1/2012-3/31/2012,5, 10。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“公共土地登记已经被银行业的大规模欺诈破坏得不再完整和真实”: Lisa Epstein Clerk of Court Channel 12 Interview," WPEC-12 TV,uploaded June 14, 2012, https: //www. youtube. com/watch?  v=9jr8hvOfgwI。

初选会破坏丽莎·爱泼斯坦作为草根阶层代言人的形象: George Bennett,“ PBC  Races  Are  Drawn:   Bock,Vana, Negron All Draw Late Challenges,”Palm Beach Post, June 8, 2012。

琳恩买了一辆别克:Karen Weise,“Mortgage Fraud Whistle-Blower Lynn Szymoniak Exposed Robosigning's Sins," Bloomberg BusinessWeek,September 12, 2013。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址佛罗里达州南部的止赎起诉就上升了85%: Kimberly Miller,“Foreclosures,Repos up from Last Year in South Florida," Palm Beach Post,April 12, 2012。

第二百七十四次也是最后一次开庭审理:Docket report,Deutsche Bank v. Lynn Szymoniak, Clerk and Comptroller, Palm Beach County,available at http:  //courtcon.  co.  palm-beach.  n.us/pls/jivvp/ck_ public_qry _ doct.  cp _  dktrpt _  frames?  backto = P8&ase _ id =502008CA022258XXXXIVIB&begin _ date = &end    date = 。

斯蒂夫·迪伯特贬低丽莎: Steve Dibert,“Yves Smi出,s Plea for Votes forI?a J?tpstein Puts a Serious Bite into Her Credibility," Mortgage Fraud Investigations-Miami, August 10, 2012, http: //mfi-miami. com/2012/0 8/is-yves-smith-at-naked-capitalism-sni ffing-glue。

曾支持莎伦·博克的《棕榈滩邮报》: Rhonda Swan,“Editorial: Bock for Clerk of Court," Palm Beach Post, July 25,  2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址三名书记官因从证据室窃取一千多粒泰勒宁片在黑市上出售而被刑事调查:Daphne Duret, "West Palm Beach Woman's Arrest Reveals Clerk's Office Probe Focused on l,  OOO-Plus Missing Oxycodone Pills," Palm Beach Post, August 21, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址迈克尔指责《棕榈滩邮报》故意捂住新闻: Michael Redman,“Well,Wouldn't Ya Know……PBC Clerk Sharon Bock's Office Criminal Arrest Reveals Probe Focused on l,  000-Plus Stolen Oxycodone Pills from Evidence Department," 4closurefraud.  org, August 21, 2012。

但丽莎得到了全县二万七千零三个人的选票: Palm Beach County Supervisor of Elections, primary election results, August 14, 2012, available at http:  //results. enr. clarityelections. com/FL/Palm- Beach/41045/96143/en/summary. html。

利蒂西娅·艾利阿斯是一位“机器签署人”: Release of Mortgage Lien, Clerk of Palm Beach County Public Records, book 26197, page 1091,recorded July 22, 2013.  Sampling of Leticia Arias documents via Lisa Epstein," Pigs  Ass:   A  Sampler  of  Ocvven  Documents  ( Leticia  Arias  Notary Examples),”Foreclosure Hamlet, November 16, 2010。