14 塔拉集会

14 塔拉集会

上海龙凤shlf最新地址提交了一项立法申请,意在取消佛罗里达州的止赎司法程序: James Thomer, "Florida Bankers Move to Dramatically Speed Up the Foreclosure Process," Tampa Bay Times, January 28, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《佛罗里达消费者保护和房屋所有人信用恢复法案》: SB 2270,Florida Senate, 2010, http:  //www. scribd.  com/doc/27382056. Also see Michael Redrnan, "Florida Legislature-Banksters Propose Taking Foreclosures Out of  Court-The Nonjudicial  Foreclosure Act  for Nonhomestead Properties,”4closurefraud. org,February24, 2010。

按照《班尼特法案》的规定,富国银行任意定义“放弃”的行为可能是合法的:Todd Ruger, "An Abrupt Eviction, Narrowly Averted,"Sarasota Herald-Tribune, February 22,2010.

迈克尔创建了一个立法相关的迷你网站: PigsAss. org,available through the Internet Wayback Machine, http: //web. archive. org/web/20100701215705/http: //pigsass. org。

银行家发出了挑战: Michael Redman,“Florida Bankers to States Citizens:  ' Bend Over! ~ ~  Your Assets Are Mine!!!’Florida Consumer Protection and Homeowner Credit Rehabilitation Act," 4closurefraud.  org,February 1, 2010。

布鲁斯,马克斯与“猪”和“银行家”合影留念: Michael Reclrnan,"Updates from 4closureFraud.  org Coming Soon LPS, FIS, NACA, PigsAss,Foreclosure Fraud Lender Processing Services, Inc. -Form 10-K-EX-21.l-February 23,2010 Legal Proceedings et al.,”4closurefraud. org,March 1, 2010. Photo available at 4closurefraud.  files.  wordpress.  com/2010/02/the-pig-the-banker-and-the-naca-ceo. jpg。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《房屋所有人救济与住房复苏法案》: Matthew Weidner,“Bank’s Newest Effort to Take Homes-Tum Florida into a Non-Judicial State,"March 29, 2010, http: //mattVyeidnerlaw. com/banks-newest-effort-to-take-homes-tum- florida-into-a-non-j udicial-state。

《止赎权利法案》:HB75,Florida House of Representatives,2010,www. myfloridahouse. gov/Sections/Documents/loaddoc.  aspx?  FileName=_h0075  .doc&DocumentTPe= Bill&BillNurnber= 0075&Session= 2010。

他们约定4月21日晚: Matthew Weidner,“Rally in Tally-Why It Is Absolutely Necessary for You to Come with Us-Apr1118,9:  00 am,”April 15, 2010,http: //mattweidnerlaw. com/rally-in-tally-why-it-is-absolutely-necessary-for-you-to-come-with-usapril-21-900-am. Also Lisa Epstein,  "Freedom Ride Circa 2010:A Pilgrimage,”  ForeclosLIrf Hamlet, April 15, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址当他们正计划活动时,法案的审查却在委员会阶段搁浅了: Florida Senate website archive for SB 2270 shows that the bill was "not considered" in the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee on April 8, 2010; http: //archive.flsenate.gov/Session/index. cfrrf! Mode= Bills3tSubMenu=l&Tab = session&BI    Mode = ViewBillInf08cBillNum = 22'ffExChamber =SenatYear= 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“我们必须给予参与战斗的消费者维权人士充分的肯定”:“Foreclosure: Rally in Tallahassee Florida 2010," video shot by Cory Luttrell,https: //vimeo. com/11293248。

保护生命和财产:Daniel Webster, The Speeches and Orations of Daniel Webstev:With an Essay oH Daniel Webster as a Master of Englisk Styte (Boston:Little, Brown, 1914),536。 

“保护消费者变得太容易了”:Michael Redman,“Senator Michael Bennett, You Are the Pig's Ass," 4closurefraud.  org, April 23, 2010。

罗列了所有银行家对班尼特的竞选捐款:MichaelReclman,“Bennett 2008 Contributor List,”posted April 23, 2010,www. scribd. com/doc/3 0443023/Bennett-2008-Contributor-List 。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址法案在集会结束后的第九天,也就是立法会议的最后一天,被银行和保险委员会否决: Florida Senate website archive for SB 2270 shows that SB 2270 died in committee in the Senate Banking and Insurance Committee on April 30,2010;http: //archive.flsenate.gov/ Session/indexcfm? Mode  =Bill996ubMenu  =1&Tab  =session&BI _Mode  =ViewBilllnf&BillNum= 2270&Chamber= Senate&Year=2010.

上海龙凤shlf最新地址彭萨科拉和坦帕湾电视台:WEAR-TV 3 Pensacola video available at http: //4closurefraud.org/201 0/04/24/rally-in-tally-wear-3-news- top-stories- video-home-owners- facing- foreclosure-came- to-the-capitol-wednesday-to-drive-a-stake-in-the-heart-of-the-bill; WTSP-TV 'Ihnpa video available at www. stayinmyhome. com/media. htm。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址当地广播电台:Michael Redman, "Talk Radio Confirmation for April 23 9am ET Conquering the Stigma of Being in Foreclosure," 4closurefraud.org, April 22,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《坦帕湾时报》等媒体: Alex Tiegen,“Stop Foreclosure Fraud,Homeowners Wam,”Sunshine State News, April 20, 2010; Shannon Behnken, "Controversial Foreclosure Bill Protest Set for Tallahassee," Tampa T'ribune, April 20, 2010;  Robert Trigaux,  "Foreclosure Candidates Travel to Tallahassee to Ensure Their Dav in Court," Tamrm Bav Times, April 21,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“为正义而战的几个月征途”:  Michael Redman,“Thank You to All for One of the Best Months in the Foreclosure Fraud Fight," 4closurefraud.  org,April 30,  2010。