11 恶行

11 恶  行

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“利害相关人丽莎·爱泼斯坦将出庭”:Notice of Hearing,U.S.Bank NA as Trustee  et al.  v.  Vincent Savoia et al.,  Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County,  Florida,  Case No.50-2007-CA-008051XXXXMB。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址尽管这时他在自己的网站上转载了多篇《欺诈文摘》上的文章:Lynn Szymoniak, "Docx Fabrications and Forgeries-Comparing Signatures and Titles on Mortgage Documents," January 19, 2010, 4closurefraud.  org;Lynn Szymoniak, "Too ManyJobs," January 27, 2010, 4closurefraud.  org。

而这场集体诉讼成功地为投保人多赢得400万美元: Linda Chiem,“AIG to Pay$ 4M in Workers' Comp Class Action Settlement," Law360.com, September 17, 2012。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址每位原告最高可获得1000美元的赔偿:15U.S.C.§1692k (a)(2) (A),  available at https:   //www. law. comell. edu/uscode/text/15/1692k。

美国住房抵押贷款承兑公司,地址是: Assignment of Mortgage,Nassau County Clerk of Circuit Court, book 1592, page 444, available at http;//4closurefraud. Org/2010/02/lO/beyond-bogus-docx_assignment-of-mortgage- bogus-assignee- for-intervening-asmts.

甚至是档案管理员也在系统中将受托人姓名录入为“假受托人”:Michael Reclrnan,  "Beyond Bogus-DocX Assignment of Mortgage-Bogus Assignee for Intervening Asmts," 4closurefraud.  org, February 10, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址过去的一周他制作了五集关于自己抵押贷款的系列视频: Damian Figueroa( DinSFLA),   YouTube  channel,  ‘‘Foreclosure Fraud," http://www.  youtube.  com/watch'?v:::LoSPI'jd— PXIVL https: //www.youtube. com/watch?v:::SD6XUboTIJM, https: //www.youtubecom/watch?v=u01-TKj21Mw, https: //www. youtube. com/watch'.?v= B-b7txbiKY, and https:  //www.  youtube.  com/watch?  v= hn-5KN_vvMw, uploaded February 4, 2010。

“看起来像是DocX的美工部门忘了在诉讼之前更改抵押贷款转让协议模板。”:Redman,  "Beyond Bogus"。

“还有更多。难以置信。”:Redman,"13eyond Bogus,”comment from user DinSFLA。

“我要展示一些让人非常愤怒的东西。”:Damian Figueroa (DinSFLA),  YouTube channel,  "Foreclosure Fraud MEP,S,  LPS…  BOGUS ASSIGNMENTS  . . .  Are You Kidding Me DocX???" uploaded February 10,2010, q。

迈克尔发布了一篇新文章:Michael Redman,“Enough Is Enough!DocX Assignment of Mortgage-J30gus Assignee for Intervening Asmts All Over the Public Records," 4closurefraud.  org, February 10, 2010。

卡尔·登宁格转载了这篇文章:Karl Denninger,“How Far Does It Go Before Indictments Issue7"  FedUpUSA,  February '10,  2010,  www.fedupusa. org/2010/02/how-far-does-it-go-before-indictments-issue。

“浪费司法资源”:Supreme Court of Florida,“In Re:Amendments to 出e Florida Rules of Civil Procedure,” Case No. SC09-1460, and“In Re:Amendments to the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure-Form l.  996 (Final Judgment of Foreclosure),”Case No.  SC09-1579. February 11, 2010,availableathttp: //4closurefraud.org/2010/02/11/supreme-court-of-florida-in-re-amendments-to-the- florida-rules-o f-civil-procedure。

“有理有据”: Jennifer D. Bailey, "Response of the Task Force on Residential Mortgage Foreclosure Cases to Comment Accepted as Timely Filed,”October 26, 2009, wwwfloridasupremecourt.  org/pub- info/summaries/briefs/09/09-1460/Filed   10-26-2009 _ Task _ Force _ Response _To_Epstein.  pdf。  

塔米和文森特·萨瓦如果愿意,可以搬回来住:Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, U   S.  Bank NA v. Vincent Savoia, hearing before the Honorable Judge Meenu Sasser,February 12, 2010, 11:  05 - 11:  19 a. m. , Case No.  50-2007-CA-008051,transcript prepared by Kristina McCollum,J. Consor and Associates。

“致美国,情人节快乐!”:Lisa Epstein,“Happy Valentines Day America! This Is for You!" Foreclosure Hamlet, February 12, 2010。

一开始我以为这是开玩笑:Michael Redman,“The Whole Country Is Bogus- FabricatedMortgageAssignmentsAllOvertheCountry,”4closurefraud.  org, February 14, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址让这些有罪的人铭记: John Webster,“The White Devil,&c.,”quoted in Lisa Epstein, "Black Deeds," Foveclosure Hamlet, February 14, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址一周之后,  《萨拉索塔先驱论坛报》的汤姆·里昂: Tom Lyons,"Bogus Forec:losure Claim Not Isolated," Sarasota Heratd-Tribune, February 23, 2010。

《华尔街日报》根据琳恩的一项建议,写了一篇: Amir Efrati and Carrick Mollenkarnp, "U.  S.Probes Foreclosure Data Provider," Wail Street Journal, April 3, 2010。