
上海龙凤shlf最新地址I am completely penniless, and absolutely homeless[69a]. Yet there are worse things in the world than that. I am quite candid when I tell you that rather than go out from this prison with bitterness in my heart against you or against the world I would gladly and readily beg my bread from door to door[69b]. If I got nothing at the house of the rich, I would get something at the house of the poor. Those who have much are often greedy. Those who have little always share. I would not a bit mind sleeping in the cool grass in summer, and when winter came on sheltering myself by the warm close thatched rick, or under the penthouse of a great barn, provided I had love in my heart[69c]. The external things of life seem to me now of no importance at all. You can see to what intensity of individualism I have arrived, or am arriving rather, for the journey is long, and “where I walk there are thorns.” [69.1] 

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我是完完全全的身无分文,实实在在的无家可归[69a]。可世界上还有比这更惨的呢。实话告诉你,与其心怀对你或世人的怨恨出这监狱,我还不如高高兴兴地挨家挨户要饭去[69b]。如果从大户人家要不到,从穷人家里也会要到一点的。东西很多的人常常贪婪成性,自己没什么的人总是与人分享。只要心中存有爱,我不介意夏天里在凉气袭人的草地上过夜,冬天里在干草堆边、在大谷仓下避寒[69c]。身外之物对我似乎是毫无意义了。你看,我的自为主义已经达到一种多么强烈的地步,或者更应该说是正在达到这种地步,因为路途还远着呢,而 “我行走的地方布满荆棘”。